Row one of the matrix depicts the initial “access of the lesson”. The various technologies and strategies conform together in order to produce the teaching standard 7.1 NM.A.1 “recognizing cultural words using electronic sources” as well as NETS-S of demonstrating creativity and using technology effectively . The teacher, in order to instruct students on the popularity of fruit markets in Latin American countries, links the themes of culture, science and politics together. She chooses to have her students engage in various buying and selling of fruit activities helping them learn Spanish fruit vocabulary, Latin American culture , skills of commerce, and health. Using a TV/VCR, she shows students a video of people buying and selling fruit in Latin America. To follow up the video introduction to this activity, she distributes 10 index cards to the student in which they must write out a fruit vocabulary word and draw a picture of it. Then using the TV screen Monitor, she posts all the words up so students can learn the correct spelling/pronunciation of the word. The utilization of the TV/VCR and TV monitor under the direct teaching of the teacher in turn engage the students in an oral/visual presentation, large group discussion, listening/viewing skills, and individual work which in turn stimulate their creativity and skills with technology use. As a result, the electronic sources used provide multiple opportunities for students to recognize and/or learn cultural words for the first time.
Row two of the matrix shows the ways technology and strategy come together to form the “backbone for analysis” in this lesson plan and as a result fulfilling the standard 7.1 IH. A.1 “Analyze cultural info. using electronic info sources”. To do this, the teacher begins by giving a presentation in Spanish on the health benefits of fruits in general and fruits specific to Latin American countries using a food pyramid projected onto a TV screen monitor. The students are then instructed to do their own research and analysis on these topics through the use of various research sites on a computer as well as sites for pictures to go with each fruit. The Oral presentation by the teacher done on the TV screen monitor set the stage for analyzing cultural information using electronic sources. It was then backed up by students performing analysis and research on these topics, forcing them to do intense internet searches in order to produce cultural information that they then must edit on their own ( strategies). While doing this, they are critically thinking, problem solving and making decisions ( NETS-S) to present this information properly.
Row 3 of the matrix depicts the ways in which the teacher evaluates and assesses the students. The teacher instructs the students to divide themselves into four groups. Together, they must continue researching the health benefits of fruits as well as fruits specific to Latin American countries on the internet while printing pictures of the fruits at the same time and labeling them with their Spanish names. They are then as a group instructed to reflect on/ collaborate together on the information they came up, continuing internet research if necessary therefore engaging in peer assessment. While they are doing this, the teacher walks around giving help is necessary and assessing the students progress. From this, we are able to see how the use of a computer and printer engage students in peer assessment/ student collaboration by comparing ideas, student assessment by reflecting on their own work while all being guided by the teacher. These strategies and technologies together in turn embrace the “use of digital tools to exchange basic information about theme. “ (7.1 NH B.1- ) in turn forcing students to use technology effectively, think critically, problem solve and make decisions ( NETS-S).
Row 4 depicts the technologies and strategies used to produce a presentation. To do this, the teacher deems 2 out of the 4 groups of students the “sellers” and the other 2 groups as “the buyers”. They will pretend they are in a Latin American country, buy and selling fruits to each other. Depending on which group they fall into, they are to create a poster utilizing the research/ pictures they found in their internet searches on the computer regarding fruits in Latin American countries writing the words out in Spanish. From this, we can see how the information found through the use of a computer (technology) brings students together to collaborate and participate together embracing the NETS-S of demonstrating creativity and innovation, communicating/collaborating, and using technology effectively and productively all which in turn fulfill the core content standard 7.1 IH C.2 “ create/ perform activities that reflect cultural perspectives”.
Row 5 of the matrix shows how the use of a CD player as well as students collaborating together help to communicate the project among peers. As the teacher oversees everything, the “fruit sellers” go to one side of the classroom while the “fruit buyers” go to the other, hanging up their posters in each area. As the students mingle with each other, music from the various Latin American countries the fruits were found in is played during the process. Through the use of a CD player, the students are using technology effectively and productively ( NETS-S) while collaborating in small groups as well as large groups embracing cultural, commerce and health practices (Strats.). These all as a whole fulfill the standard “7.1 IH C6- explain/demonstrate cross cultural skills in a global workforce.”